Affiliated Shows

Shows can affilate to the Society to award rosettes and medals (bronze, silver and gold) subject to meeting the necessary criteria in terms of classes and entry numbers etc.  Further information can be obtained by contacting the Society office.

There has been a rule change to the 2019 Judging and Showing Handbook with immediate effect.

On Page 6 of the Handbook it stated that:

‘Brood mares must always be accompanied by their own foal in the show ring, no exceptions.’

We have now replaced this rule as follows:

‘Brood mares must be accompanied in the ring by their own foal or a veterinary certificate must be produced to justify the absence of the foal’

This reverts back to the original 2018 ruling.

For any further queries regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact us on or call us on 01570 471 754