Each year, the WPCS produces a Judging and Showing Handbook that contains the rules and regulations for Show Secretaries, Judges and Competitors. This book is available to download for free or can be purchased from the WPCS shop.

Showing is the main shop window for the Welsh breeds and as such attracts a huge amount of public interest. Therefore exhibitors must conduct themselves at all times in an orderly, polite manner as they represent the Welsh breeds and consequently the WPCS. Everyone involved with showing are deemed to be fully conversant with the Codes of Conduct printed in this booklet. Any breaches will be severely dealt with by the Society. Bad behaviour to fellow exhibitors, owners, producers, judges, stewards or show officials brings the Society into disrepute.

Exhibitors competing at affiliated shows are deemed to be fully conversant with rules contained within this handbook and also the rules pertaining to the respective show.

Exhibitors are alone responsible for the accuracy and eligibility of their entries. Any misrepresentation of any exhibit will be dealt with under the WPCS Disciplinary procedures.

Judging & Showing Handbook 2020