Rules Covering All Registrations

All registrations must be accompanied by a completed current registration form, supplied by the Welsh Pony and Cob Society office, signed by the breeder (the owner or lessee of the mare at the time of foaling) together with the relevant fee.

In all cases, the details of the sire and the dam must be clearly written on the registration form, with any additional breeding supplied on a separate accompanying document. The Welsh Pony and Cob Society cannot register animals with no known breeding.

All registrations requiring a passport to be printed must have the markings diagram and the written description fully completed and signed by either the breeder of the animal, the current owner or a veterinary surgeon accompanied by the practice stamp.

All registrations requiring a passport to be printed must have the microchip section completed, which must be signed and stamped by a veterinary surgeon.

A Prefix registered with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society and the Central Prefix Register can only be used by the owner of that Prefix. A registered prefix cannot be used in any other part of an animal’s name.

If a name has already been used for a registered animal, then it cannot be used again. Breeders and owners will be asked to supply a different name, or alternatively, change the spelling of the chosen name.

The Welsh Pony and Cob Society reserves the right to refuse any name of an animal that could be seen as derogatory or insulting.

Applications that have been received incomplete or incorrect will be rejected and returned to sender to enable corrections to be made.

Pure Bred Colts and Fillies

To register an animal as Pure Bred, both parents must be registered as Pure Bred. The sire must be in possession of a Welsh Pony and Cob Society licence or a recognised equivalent. The registered names and numbers of both parents must be clearly written on the registration form.

The breeding details must be verified by the breeder, with the declaration signed confirming that the details are correct. Knowingly falsifying the registration information is considered fraud.

Applications for Pure Bred colts and fillies must be received by the WPCS office before the 30th November in the year of foaling. Applications that have been received after this time will be classed as late and can incur additional costs.

Applications for Pure Bred colts and fillies received after 1st January in their yearling year will incur a late entry fee and cannot be registered without a full DNA parentage report, confirming that both the sire and dam are correct. DNA testing kits can be obtained from the Welsh Pony and Cob Society office.

If the foal is the first Pure Bred registered offspring from a mare, then the Welsh Pony and Cob Society requires a DNA profile for the dam to be held on file. Without this, then the application for the foal will not be completed. We advise that breeders apply for the DNA at least 4 weeks prior to the application of the foal’s registration, to minimise the possibility of unnecessary delays.

In order to record a person(s) as breeder of an animal, the Welsh Pony and Cob Society requires that person to be recorded as the owner of the dam at the time of foaling or recorded as having the dam on lease/loan. Ownership records must be kept up to date, otherwise the offspring cannot be registered. Lease forms must be signed by the owner of the animal, with the correct dates specified.

If the breeder of the foal is different from the owner of the stallion at the time of covering, then a service certificate is required to confirm that all stud fees have been met. The service certificate should be signed by the owner of the stallion at the time of covering. If the service certificate has not been received, then the Welsh Pony and Cob Society will not be able to register the offspring correctly.

To verify that the Stud Book is as correct as possible, the Welsh Pony and Cob Society will perform random DNA parentage tests.

Pure Bred animals should be of solid colours only, although roan is acceptable. If the markings on the application form are unclear, the Society can request confirmation of the markings with photographs.

Mating Between Sections

The Welsh Pony and Cob Society Stud Book contains four different sections, with certain restrictions governing height.

Section A – Welsh Mountain Pony
Not exceeding 121.9cm 12hh

Section B – Welsh Pony
Not exceeding 137.2cm 13.2hh

Section C – Welsh Pony of Cob Type
Not exceeding 137.2cm 13.2hh

Exceeding 137.2cm 13.2hh
Section D – Welsh Cob


Mating within the sections of the Welsh Breeds is still regarded as Pure Bred., using the following table.

Parents Progeny
A x A A
A x B B
A x C C
A x D C
B x B B
B x C C
B x D C or D
C x C C
C x D C or D
D x D D

To register an animal as a Section A, both parents must be already registered as Section A, following the above stated regulations. If a Section A grows over the maximum height, then they must be transferred to Section B, with a form completed by a veterinary surgeon to confirm the correct height of the animal. It is not possible for a Section B to be re-registered as a Section A, regardless of the height of the animal.

To register an animal as a Section B, both parents must be already registered as either Section A or Section B.

With mating’s between Sections A and B with Sections C and D, the offspring must be registered as a Cob type, regardless of the height of the animal.

With mating’s between Section C and Section D, the expected height of the offspring as suggested by the breeder, should determine whether the foal will be Section C or D.

If a Section C Welsh Pony of Cob Type grows over the maximum height, then they must be transferred to Section D, with a form completed by a veterinary surgeon to confirm the correct height of the animal.

If an animal is registered as a Section D, but does not manage to reach the expected height, then this animal can be re-registered as a Section C, once that animal has reached the age of 7 years old to ensure that there are no late growth spurts.

Pure Bred Geldings

Section E of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society Stud Book refers to geldings who have been initially registered as such; these animals can be of any Section of the Stud Book or Welsh Part Bred. If an animal has previously been registered as a colt, then there is no requirement to change the section to E on the completion of the castration certificate inside the passport.

Pure Bred geldings can be registered at any age without late entry penalties or full DNA parentage tests. However, if it is the first Pure Bred foal from a mare, a DNA profile for the mare is still required.

To register a gelding, the Welsh Pony and Cob Society requires a castration certificate to be completed by a veterinary surgeon to confirm that the animal has either been castrated or that the animal has been examined and verified to be a gelding.

Welsh Part Bred Register

To register a Welsh Part Bred animal, the Welsh Pony and Cob Society requires a minimum of 12.5% of registered Welsh parentage.

A Welsh Part Bred animal can be registered at any age, pending the completion of a registration form signed by the breeder of the animal.


If an animal eligible for registration already holds a passport from a different Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO) with the full breeding details printed inside, it is possible for the Welsh Pony and Cob Society to overstamp the passport with the registration number. Please note that a registration application form is still required to overstamp passports.

International Acceptable Registrations

The International Acceptable register was created in order to bring Pure Bred animals registered overseas back into the Welsh Pony and Cob Society Stud Book, so that they, and their progeny, can be recognised as Pure Bred Welsh.

If an animal is registered as Pure Bred with a recognised daughter Society of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society, that animal can be registered and overstamped with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society as long as the breeding can be traced back fully to Pure Bred registered animals in the Stud Book who were exported overseas.

In all cases, a completed registration form supplied by the Welsh Pony and Cob Society is required. There is no requirement for parentage testing and animals can be registered at any age.

International Register

This register was created for animals whose parents are registered in the International Acceptable register and crossed with animals registered with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society. The International Register (IR) follows on the same rules for registration as for all other Pure Bred animals, therefore, Maiden Mare DNA and the late entry procedures apply. As with all registrations, a registration form supplied by the Welsh Pony and Cob Society is required.

The Society will enter in its Studbook, animals of the same breed, that are eligible for entry under the Society’s breeding regulations, without discrimination on account of their country of origin.

Section X

Section X was created for animals of known parentage, who fall outside of the standard rules of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society for registration in the Pure Bred register in that their sire was not a licenced stallion or if they exhibit too much white on the body.

Animals registered in Section X are not eligible for entry in official Society sales and are not eligible for participation in Mountain and Moorland showing classes or for the award of Welsh Pony and Cob Society medals.