Our Membership Packages

Annual Membership

Runs from 1st January - 31st December
£40.50 or £35.50 If you pay by Direct Debit

Life Membership

From 1st January 2015, costs are:
Under 21 Years £950
21 to 40 Years £750
41 to 59 Years £550
60 Years & Over £350

Life membership

Purchase Life Membership

Junior Membership

For those under 18 Years

Annual subscription

Download Junior Membership Form

Membership Form

If you prefer pay with Direct Debit, please contact the Office for an application form.


Payment Methods


Our subscriptions are shown in UK pounds sterling (£).
You may pay by Access, Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard, and Switch. We recommend you use a credit card if you live outside the UK: your card or account will be debited the equivalent amount in your own currency.

Payment from Overseas

Members who wish to make payments from outside the UK by international bank transfer should contact the WPCS Finance Officer for more information enquiries@wpcs.uk.com. Customers are responsible for paying all bank charges relating to the International Bank Transfer, including any charges made by the Society’s bank for receiving the money.

Direct Debit

For those with a British Bank account, it is possible to pay for your membership using a variable amount direct debit mandate. This is strongly recommended, since it means that your annual subscription is collected every January, without any further effort from yourself.